Html To Image
Html To Image 2.0 Released!
Features | History | Support | Buy! | Samples
Html To Image can be seamlessly integrated with your Internet Explorer. After installed, you can access html to image functionality from the context menu of IE by clicking the right mouse button. Then you can convert html to jpg instantly while you are surfing.
Html To Image is
specially designed for batch converting a lot of web pages. Not only html files, the plain text files as well as the Web Archive Format (*.MHT) files can be converted to image in batch mode.
Html To Image also supports drag drop operations. You can drag local html or text files from explorer's folders or search results to the URL window without manually entering the URLs, which will save you a lot of time.
Free Download & Try Now . No functionality limitation except watermarks in the generated image for the unregistered version.
Buy Now. Remove the watermarks. $29.95 For Single User License. $299.95 For Site License.
Notes: If you are
looking for an component to be used in your application that converts htmlsnapshot. Please try Htm Snapshot
If you are
looking for a solution that converts html to image on linux. Please try Html To Image Linux |
Html To
Image is very easy to use, just
See a Demo! and
then you are the master of it.
the image of this page converted by Html To
Image. Also an exmaple below:

Download the full version of Html To Image now
Unsure? Unconvinced? I understand. We'll also
throw in FREE tech support!
But if you're still not sure, try it out for FREE to convert html to image now!
Html to Image for ONLY $29.95 NOW! NO
Ads, Nags or Spyware! Virus-FREE! It is the best yet most affordable HTML to Image converters on the market!
If you are looking for the programs, such as convert html to image, html2image, html to image, htm2img, htm to img, html2gif, html to gif, html2jpg, html to jpg, html2jpeg, html to jpeg, html2bmp, html to bmp, html2png, html to png, html2tiff, html to tiff, or software to convert html to image, Html To Image is exactly what you want. Html to Image works perfectly on all Windows versions with Internet Explorer 5.0 or above and with Internet Connection.
Notes:If you are looking for a html to image (such as bmp, jpeg, gif, tiff, gif, jpg and png) component on Windows platform, please try our award-winning html snapshot ActiveX, which easily integrated into applications written in languages that
support ActiveX Component such as Visual C++, Visual Basic, Delphi, C++ Builder,
.Net languages, Java, Scripts like Perl, Php, Python.
Html2image for linux is released. You can convert html to image easily on your linux servers. |
See what the users say
about Html To Image:
"The Best Program Of Its Kind On The Market!"
"I just love your Html to Image Software.
It has made my life a lot easier, and it is without a doubt the BEST program of its kind on the market. It's so fast and simple to use, I
recommend this program to anyone wanting to convert Html to Image! Thanks for
making this software, and for the constant software updates, too!"
— Justin
We are committed to improving Html To Image
constantly. See History
Html To Image is also web designer's good
Web Designer's assistant |
Are you an web designer who want to convert your work into graphics for customer preview? You can now use Html To Image to do it with a few clicks. Unlike using Alt+PrtScr (Print Screen) to copy screen and paste together, Html to Image captures the whole page in one step.
Web Creations By Teri is using our software to help their business. They convert html design into image format like JPG or PNG so the customers can preview their design.
I can create a web page that has a number of different components (text, images, tables etc) with FrontPage and convert it to a single jpg image with html to image. ---Bert |
We have posted a series of blog articles on html snapshot. This can be viewed as knowledge base for html to image product line. Feel free to read it.
Html Snapshot Sample in Windev
Html To Image: GetImageBytes method
Redistribute html to image
Multithreaded Html to Image
html to fax with html snapshot
Convert html to image in IIS
Html To Image Command Line version
short note on GetBitmapHandle
Another html to image note
One html to image note
Directly save the web page at a given URL into image in bmp, jpeg, tiff, gif or
png format.
Create thumbnail images from large images.
Batch conversion is supported.
Integrate with Internet Explorer's context menu.
Support converting local HTML, MHT, TXT files to image.
Support JPEG compression level
Support capturing site with flash content.
Run at background, web pages don't need to be displayed for capturing.
Support drag drop HTML, MHT, TXT files to convert
- Support URL file, now you can convert your favorite site to image
- Support error log
- Enable setting image file name for each URL

convert html to image, html to jpg, html to image, html to tiff, html to gif, html to bmp, html to png
text to image, text to jpg, mht to image, mht to jpg, html2image, html to jpeg, batch html to image
System Requirements:
All Windows versions, Internet Explorer 5
above, Internet connection
Click GO to convert the URLs to images. The
images is saved in output folder set in the Options screen.
Load URL: load URL list from a text
Save URL: save URL
list to text file
Go: begin to convert html to
images in the URL list one by one.
Browser: get URL from current
opened Internet Explorer browser windows
Add File: add local text, mht or
html file as URL, then they can be converted to images.
URL file is also supported. You can convert your favorite site to image now!
Folder: go to output file folder

Click "Option" button to set some control options of
the program.
Output Dir: the output directory to
store images
Time Out: if the html page can not be
fully downloaded in the given time, the program will treat it as a time out
event. It will continue to process next URL.
Page Width, Height: set the size of
the converted image. if Width is 0, then use the full width of the html page.
if the html page width is larger than Width, then it is cropped to get the
final results. This applys to Height similarly.
Image Format: choose the image
format. Currently support JPG, GIF, BMP, PNG and TIFF format. When saving to
JPG format, the compression quality can be adjusted.
Create thumbnail after getting the pages:
check this if you want to get a small image from the large one.
Thumbnail Width, Height: control the
size of the thumbnail image.
Overwrite existing image file: choose
if overwriting the existing image file with the same name.
Name file: choose the method to name
the image files.

Click "Register" button to
register Html To Image with the valid registration code, this will
remove the limitations in trial mode.
To register, enter your name and code in the
correspondent edit box on the right, then click "Register Me"
Software or
10/01/2009 +Update 2009 edition, fix a couple of issues
01/18/2008 +Update 2008 edition
03/08/2007 +Update 2007 edition
11/18/2006 +Add: Custom file name setting in the url list directly
08/26/2006 +Add: Add log function, save error in C:\html2image.log
01/05/2005 +Add: Support *.url file. Now the window can be resizable.
12/22/2004 +Add:Shell drag drop support and minor
11/07/2004 +Fix: Now the size will be exactly
the same as you set in options
10/16/2004 +Fix: stack overflow under Win98
10/10/2004 +Fix: disable FPU exception
+New: Allow manually naming files
10/9/2004 +New: Support JPEG quality control
10/8/2004 +New: Add local HTML files as URL
10/5/2004 First public release, Html to image, html to jpg support