Today I tried to install php, mysql and phpMyadmin on Vista IIS7. After several hours, I finally got it through.
Here are some tips:
1. Download latest php, mysql from their website
I use php 5.2.4, mysql 5.0,.
2. Install IIS service on Vista by adding Windows features. Note that, you need to choose the IIS components ISAPI etc when adding the features. IIS7 seems to be componentized. so if you don’t check the ISAPI feature, php cannot run as ISAPI under IIS7
3. Extract php zip file to d:php. copy the file php.ini-dist to windows folder (d:windows) and rename it to php.ini (erase the -dist part).
Now open the php.ini in notepad.
a. Inside the file, look for the line ;extension=php_mysql.dll and delete the semi-color (;) from the beginning of the line
b. Modify extension_dir to be d:phpext
c. Set session.save_path = “D:phpphpsessions”. Make sure you make a directory “D:phpphpsessions” and it can be written by IIS USER account.
d. Copy extphp_mysql.dll to d:windowssystem32
3. Run IIS manager, Click “handler mapping”, Add script map
In the window that pops up, fill up the fields with these values:
“Request path:” *.php
“Executable:” d:phpphp5isapi.dll
“Name:” PHP
Note, every time you modify php.ini, you need to restart the “World Web Publishing Service” to make it take effect.
4. Install Mysql with the office setup. (You may need to open the Mysql TCP port in the windows firewall)
5. Last, try phpinfo.php in your IIS folder
You should be able to see mysql box in the output html
6. Install PhpMyAdmin, use a simple It will work
$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = ‘ba17c1ec07d65003′; // use here a value of your choice
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = ‘cookie’;